Television viewing figures are often useful in assignments, dissertations, academic articles and similar documents. Students are permitted to include in their work the data featured on this website, but the information should not be used in any wider publication without a Barb subscription. If you wish to publish detailed data, or run more complex analyses, please see how to subscribe. This site offers a number of ways to access television audience figures, including the weekly top programmes on four screens from 2018 (and historical top 10s and 30s for dates prior to this) and the weekly viewing summary. TV since 1981 provides a broader overview of key events in television since Barb’s foundation, including the annual top 10 most-watched programmes and the list of reported channels. If you require data that are not available on this site, it will be necessary to subscribe to Barb. Small volumes of data intended for internal use may be given through an end user licence – limited usage. Other resources How we do what we do explains how the television measurement service actually works.