Barb 2021/2022 data reissue statement 19 January 2022 Barb’s panel management contractor, Kantar, has discovered an issue dating from December 12th 2021 in how the programmes viewed on TV sets in Barb panel homes are identified. Kantar has fixed the problem and put a procedure in place to ensure it does not recur in the future. No viewing data have been lost. We estimate the impact of this error is that our published TV set viewing data for linear channels (programmes and commercials) have been understated by approximately 4% for the period of December 12th 2021 – January 11th 2022 [Updated on February 21st 2022]. As a result, Kantar will reissue all Barb viewing data for this period in order to correct them. This will include the reissue of 7-day consolidated TV-set viewing data for December 5th 2021 – January 11th 2022. It will also include the reissue of 28-day consolidated TV-set viewing data for November 14th 2021 – January 11th 2022. Kantar plans to reissue the data in five batches, with the first corrected data being made available on January 30th. The process is expected to be completed by February 21st. Recognising a particular interest in year-end reporting for consolidated seven-day viewing up to December 31st 2021, we highlight these data are scheduled to be reissued on February 16th. The corrected data will be published in Barb data files for use by Barb customers and data-processing bureaux. Barb will also update the viewing data available on the Barb website. We apologise for the inconvenience that this will cause. Please contact us if you have any questions.