Population changes for 2004 29 September 2003 The population universe estimates produced by Barb’s Establishment Survey incorporate figures derived from the government census. This ensures that our Establishment Survey accurately reflects the sex, age, regional and household size profile of the UK’s population as produced by the government’s National Statistics Office. This is common practice when producing all major research survey findings. The census is conducted only once every ten years. It is therefore necessary for the National Statistics Office to provide population projections for use in the intervening years. Each new census provides the opportunity to re-establish the correct profile of the UK population. The last census was held in 2001. The results from the 2001 census have now been released and will be incorporated within the Barb universes to be introduced in January 2004. The government’s latest census figures do show some marked differences from previous population estimates as can be seen below. The differences found in the total UK population are broadly similar by government region. Total Population % Change (Jan04-Jan03) Age GroupTotal IndividualsAll MalesAll Females 0-4-0.047-0.047-0.047 5-9-0.019-0.022-0.016 10-14-0.019-0.021-0.016 15-24-0.024-0.038-0.008 25-34-0.044-0.090.004 35-44-0.032-0.0620 45-54-0.014-0.022-0.006 55-640.0390.0390.039 65+0.0340.0330.035 Total-0.012-0.0280.004 Full details explaining the reasons behind the changes can be found in the article ‘Why Census Shows Fewer Men’ to be found on the National Statistics websitewww.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/implications.asp. In this article the national Statistics Office state that “the census shows that the actual population is some 900,000 lower than previously estimated by the mid-year estimates. The difference is made up almost entirely of young men”.Barb is now calculating the effect by ITV region and the top-line results will be available by Friday 3rdOctober. The detailed universe file containing the complete set of Barb audience universe categories will be available by 17th October.