Reporting of high definition TV services 15 May 2008 From 31 March 2008 a new reporting option is available for channels broadcasting in HD. Whilst some HD channels are simulcast entirely with a Standard Definition (SD) “parent” channel, others show unique content as a stand alone channel and others still transmit a combination of unique and simulcast content. A new reporting option allows any viewing on an HD channel to programmes that are simulcast with a reported SD channel to be added together. This allows for the reporting of one single consolidated channel figure for simulcast content. Prior to 31 March this option had only been available to HD channels where the output is 100% simulcast with the SD channel. An example of this is viewing to Sky Arts HD included in data for standard definition Sky Arts. The new facility means that this option is now available to those HD channels where only part of the output is simulcast on an SD channel. Broadcasters still have the option to have HD channels reported separately as stand alone channels, in which case viewing to the simulcast content is not included in the viewing to the SD channel.